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Effect of temperature on Young’s modulus

Wide range of products

Reliable impulse excitation measurements

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When you are interested in the effect of temperature on the Young’s modulus of a particular material, our measurement systems and services can provide you the necessary information. At IMCE in Genk, we have developed the RFDA or Resonance Frequency and Damping Analyser, which determines various thermo-mechanical material characteristics in a non-destructive manner. By following a temperature cycle, we can determine the effect of temperature on the Young’s modulus of many types of materials. Then non-destructive character of the impulse excitation techniques makes it possible to follow the same sample during the complete cycle. This results not only in the Young’s modulus at a certain temperature, but there is a lot of information in the slope of the curve, giving access to information to study several material properties like phase transformations, dislocations, etc…


Determine the effect of temperature on Young’s modulus and other material properties

As an alternative for other tests such as tensile test or the three point bending test, the impulse excitation technique doesn’t damage the sample in order to collect the necessary data. By tapping the sample with a small projectile, it creates a vibration that is recorded with a microphone or laser vibrometer. This measurement method only requires a single sample which can follow through a temperature cycle. This time-efficient method provides a large amount of data, which eventually leads to an accurate determination of the effect of temperature on the Young’s modulus and gives access to other material properties of a certain material.

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To determine the effect of temperature on the Young’s modulus of a certain material, you can use one of our measurement systems or use our measuring services. Ask for more information from our team by sending an email to